Massive Double for Keys

Hand #357: James Keys made it 250,000 from the button and David Gorr folded.
Hand #358: David Gorr made it 250,000 from the button and James Keys made the call to see a flop fall.
Keys led for 350,000 and Gorr quickly made the call as the rolled off on the turn and Keys pushed out 850,000 into the pot. A semi-dejected looking Gorr looked down at his chips, then at Keys, and then back at his chips before announcing a raise to 4,000,000.
Keys squirmed in his seat before moving all in with Gorr quickly announcing a call.

With Keys in the lead, he would have to fade seven cards in the deck - any four or ace - and as the rail screamed for numerous cards, the rolled off on the river to ensure Keys the double for his 6,055,000 in chips.
As Keys raked in that pot to move to 13,310,000, Gorr was left with just 1,160,000 in chips.