An Apprentice Alum Looking to Avoid Being the First to Go

The Apprentice is a television hit in the United States �� especially the Celebrity version �� so it's no surprise that Ireland has it's own show, but instead of Donald Trump doing the hiring and firing, it's Bill Cullen. In the 2010 series, which was the third installment in Ireland, a man by the name of Cahal Heapes, then a 32-year-old Area Sales Manager, was among the 16 contestants.
Heapes, who is in today's field, was the first project manager for the men's team, which was named "Elev8." Unfortunately for him, a twist in the game saw the project managers of the women's team swap with Heapes at the beginning of the task. His male leadership on an all-woman team didn't prove a winning formula and he became the first person fired from the reality TV show.
Check out Heapes post-interview elimination from The Apprentice:
Here's hoping Heapes isn't the first one to be eliminated here today!