60 Minutes Online Poker Segment to Air This Sunday

According to the CBS News website, the long awaited "60 Minutes" segment on online poker cheating will air this Sunday, November 30th. An e-mail to the "60 Minutes" subscriber base has also confirmed this information.
The segment is titled "The Cheaters", and will apparently be the lead segment for this Sunday's program. The story is described as a "joint investigation" between the Washington Post and "60 Minutes". Speculation has run rampant for months about when this segment would air, and exactly what the tone of the piece would be. Many in the poker business feared the segment would be an indictment of poker as a whole, and could cast a shadow over some of the gains made by the game in recent years. Segment producers insisted, and those who participated in the piece had hoped, that it would be a call for action and regulation, but until the piece airs, no one will know for sure. The segment is described on the CBSnews website as follows:
THE CHEATERS - 60 MINUTES and The Washington Post reveal how online poker players suspecting cheating were forced to successfully ferret out the cheaters themselves. That's because managers of the mostly-unregulated $18 billion Internet gambling industry failed to respond to their complaints. Steve Kroft and The Washington Post's Gilbert Gaul report. Ira Rosen is the producer.
Those interviewed for the segment included Mike Sexton, Greg Raymer, and Linda Johnson. In an accompanying piece on the CBSnews website, bracelet winner Todd Witteles and Michael Josem, a computer expert largely credited with helping prove the cheating were quoted in a story to help promote the airing of the segment. The show airs this Sunday night at 7pm in most markets in the US. Check your local listings.