Ask the Editor: Online Poker, Advice for Tournaments, and Best Burger on the Circuit

Here at PokerNews, we wouldn't be anything without our audience. It is you all who drive us to produce all the editorial, videos, podcast, and live reporting that we do on a regular basis, and I'm so thankful to see all the appreciation received that allows for our continued growth. In return, here are some more responses to your questions in this month's Ask the Editor.
What is your opinion about online poker in New Jersey? Do you think the player pool in NJ will be bigger than Nevada? Do you think PokerStars will be able to obtain a license in NJ? �� Lyndon B Johnson, via Facebook
I believe online poker coming to NJ is an absolute necessity in the movement to get the online game back in America on a federal level. NV is a start, but more states need to fall in line. Right now, I'm not sure other states see the true potential that online poker brings because NV is a state with a small population. With a state like NJ in the mix, there is a much greater chance this potential will be realized. This is especially true if NJ and NV decide to work together with shared player pools.
I most certainly think the player pool in NJ will be bigger than NV simply because the population of the Garden State is much larger than the Silver State; NJ has a population of approximately 8.9 million people, whereas NV's population is about 2.8 million.
Finally, yes I do believe PokerStars will be able to obtain a license. With lobbying groups working against them, the process may take a little longer for PokerStars, but they will eventually be back operating in the U.S. I believe they will return to NJ before NV because I ultimately think NJ's government sees the importance of having a site like PokerStars available in the state in terms of how much tax dollars can be generated and how many jobs it could create. NJ State Sen. Ray Lesniak is also positive about PokerStars' chances to acquire a license, which is a very good sign.
Who is the most entertaining juicer in professional poker? Not just an entertaining trash talker, but who is the best at subtle, effective talking at the tables? Thanks, Donnie! �C Carlo Ricardo Bogi, via Facebook
Good question. I'm not so sure anyone who talks trash at the poker table is ��subtle�� about it. Many that opt to take that route are very loud and flamboyant about it.
I would probably lean towards Daniel Negreanu or Antonio Esfandiari. Both are usually loud and open when talking at the table, but also extremely effective at extracting information and throwing off their opponents. Plus, both do their needling in a ��subtle�� fashion that almost has every player being needled smiling with them.
What's the best piece of advice you can give a live multi-table tournament player? �C Tom Khannull, via Facebook
Play well within your bankroll. Tournaments can provide a lot of variance that a poker player will have to deal with, especially in live events when volume can be hard to come by. If a player plays within his or her means and sells off some pieces when taking shots at higher buy-ins to reduce the bankroll hit, good things will eventually happen by diligent hard work to improve and succeed.
Which poker venue has the best cheeseburger? �C @umpa21, via Twitter
The best one I've had comes courtesy of Natasha Stipanov at Crown Casino in Melbourne. She treated us on behalf of the Crown Aussie Millions staff to dinner at Rockpool Bar & Grill where we had the full-blood wagyu burger. What an amazing burger, and Australian beef just seems to be worlds above all else.
How will the uprise of WSOP online poker help progress the legalization nationwide? �C @itsBuckley, via Twitter, along with, plan to spread to NJ before the end of 2013. As more sites and more states open up the doors to online poker, the government should begin to take a closer look at making things federal in order to hop on the bandwagon. Backed by the WSOP brand, will be a very key player in online poker advancing in the U.S. Although they are currently behind Ultimate Poker in traffic, should close the gap as more and more live-tournament satellites drive players to the site. After all, it is the only site operating in the U.S. where one can win seats to WSOP events around the world.
A few years from now, do you think that poker will be booming again like it was back in 2003? �C @theraulrus, via Twitter
The boom may not be as large in terms of percentage growth, but I do believe poker will see another growth spurt in the coming years. Once online poker picks up in more states, especially the very large states like California, the growth will happen. I would strongly encourage states to opt into shared player pools with one another, and believe this will very well be the thing to cause the boom we are all hoping to see.
How does a hard worker with a passion for poker get work in the industry? �C @Randomlyrandom3, via Twitter
I'd point you in the direction of the PokerNews Career Page, which is regularly updated with various positions we have available. As always, I'm open to inquiries via email, [email protected], or you can email [email protected]. While I can't guarantee a job is available for you or anyone, it never hurts to submit your material for review.
Once again, thanks for all of you questions. If you'd like to follow up on any of these responses or come up with something you'd like to ask, please feel free to add it to the comments section below for next month's article.
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