75,000 Sit-n-Gos in One Month, Supernova Elites, and More... Are You On TiltBook?

Currently well into the second year of its existence, TiltBook.com is the largest poker social network in the world. Since its conception, TiltBook has managed to grow to over 16,000 members, including some of the most successful players and colorful characters in the poker world.
No matter the time, no matter the place, there is always something going on at TiltBook.com. There are hilarious poker GIFs, insight from a few of the coolest minds in the game, and also some of the most ridiculous poker challenges you can think of. All of these things are exactly why we believe you should pay TiltBook a visit or two.
To give you a little peek at what TiltBook is really all about, we'll gladly show up a few examples of some of the most popular stuff posted on the site, but of course nothing will quite compare to heading over to TiltBook.com and checking things out for yourself.
Now, we mentioned Supernova Elites (SNEs) in the title, but we figured we'd start off by telling you about a couple.
We'll start with British grinder Ivan "ILS007" Stokes, who needed just 113 days to earn his 1,000,000 VPPs this year in order to become the sixth-fastest SNE of 2014.
Then there's Slovakian phenom Tom��? "Masuronike" Kubaliak, and he took up the challenge in an entirely different manner back in 2012. Although it took him a bit longer to achieve SNE status (over eight months to reach the goal), his feat was extremely impressive as he started the journey with a mere $150 in his bankroll, proving that you don't need much to start with in order to become a an online poker legend.
And speaking of legends, one of TiltBook's newest members has quickly established himself as one. The member that goes by "allansheik" began to take bets on being able to play 75,000 sit-n-gos with a profit in just 30 days, He ended up crushing the bet with a day to spare.
Now, for most of us, things like SNE or 300-hour months aren't things we can get our heads around. It is tough to even imagine what goes into playing such very high volume even though we do dream about being those big-time crushers on a daily basis.
Thankfully, the one and only "Masuronike" gave us an absolutely shocking insight into a regular day of a hardcore high-stakes grinder that left many with their jaws dropped.
To be perfectly honest, though, there can be several reasons that one may not be able to achieve his or her poker dream. For one, not having very supportive parents could certainly be a tough situation to overcome, as "pates216" illustrated in his post, "My mom finds out I play poker for real money," and then inserts a GIF of a mother slapping around a child.
Then of course, totally misreading your opponents can oftentimes do more harm than good to your poker, as "Masuronike" so eloquently illustrated in this GIF after posting, "When you are not sure if your opponent is a fish or a shark, and you find out he has six digits of profit on SharkScope."
Then, you have the feel-good stories. Just ask "duklaak," who posted a photo of a PokerStars tournament lobby where he won $18,766.67 in The Bigger $11 after claiming to bust his account.
We should also always remember that in poker, just like anything else in life, success comes with understanding, which user "IIS007" correctly alludes to in the following post:

TiltBook is more than just a social media posting site �� it's a community built for poker players to share updates, provide insight, meet new people within the industry, and interact. With over 16,000 members already on the site �� a population that continues to grow by the day �� the time is now to check out TiltBook for yourself and get involved.
Sign up and start posting today on TiltBook.com!