Phil Ivey Rejoins High-Stakes Action in Las Vegas

Buckle Up Boys and Girls, Ivey's in Town
Just like the good old days, Phil Ivey dropped by Bobby's Room at Bellagio on Wednesday for a little $2,000/$4,000 action with his pal Gus Hansen.
Will Ivey make an appearance at the Rio this summer? There is hope. The $50,000 Poker Players Championship gets underway in a few weeks, so that one's a definite possibility. Don't hold your breath, though. We're hearing that the cash games around Las Vegas have been full of action. And, as most of you know, it's very, very hard to pry someone away from a good cash game.
There is no dispute; Mike Leah is one of the hardest-working poker players during the summer. He plays all the games and all the tournaments �� or at least as many as he can. And when there's potential to multi-table, he's on it. He just doesn't want to be out of the action.
This guy grinds HARD! Events both big and small, mixed games or NLH, you will see @GoLeafsGoEh listed with a stack!
— Daniel Negreanu (@RealKidPoker)
"I'm grinding this hard for a lot of reasons. Some good. Some not so good. I just don't like missing events, so if it's feasible at all, I'm going to try and put a stack in play," he told PokerNews.
There is a little bit of strategy and planning that comes into play when trying to decide the right time to buy into another tournament and how to manage them.
"It depends on the structure," he said. "The Marathon had long levels, so that's the perfect type of event to add because it starts earlier and goes later than the $10K event I was in. You have to have the time to run up the stack. It also helped that the Marathon had a noon restart, while the Razz had a 2 p.m. restart."
Oh, and by the way, this wasn't his first double bag. We caught both Leah and Jason Mercier double bagging last year. And for the record, we're pretty sure it won't be his last.
Last Longers are Lasting Longer
As one last longer bet was winding down on Thursday, another was getting started.
Final $10k razzament last longer list. Winner take all $31k to winner. Must cash.
— Allen Kessler (@AllenKessler)
Thirty-one players in the $10,000 Razz Championship bet $1,000 each on the hopes that they would be the last man on the list standing. It was a winner take all bet where the only requirement was that the winner cashed.
It was organized by Allen Kessler, who doesn't participate in the last longer. And in case you didn't connect the dots or do the math, $31,000 went to the winner Brandon Shack-Harris who won by outlasting the only other finalist Nick Schulman.
Imagine our surprise when once again hundred dollar bills were flying in Kessler's direction, this time in the $10K HORSE event. At last, we checked, there were 38 runners, but we're pretty sure that number will be much higher.
There's a $1,000 last-longer going on in the $10K HORSE. The total is up to $38,000 and expected to get higher!��
— PokerNews (@PokerNews)
Just a little more side-action fun happening here at the World Series of Poker.
Baby, It's Cold Inside
For the veterans around these parts, it is no surprise that the Rio is freezing. Trying to regulate the temperature for the vast space required to house the World Series of Poker, might be an engineering feat of the greatest magnitude. Well, get ready because next week, the temperatures are going up outside, which means they're probably going down inside.
With a 50 - 60 degree difference between inside and out, the initial blast of cool air feels good on your skin. But if you're playing great, running good and make into the late hours of the day, more than likely you've put the hood of your hoodie on and pulled out the scarf that you swore you'd never wear to hide your tells and your shivers.
We still have five weeks to avoid the Rio Flu, so we thought we go on the hunt for some incredibly warm and toasty accessories to take the chill during your long days at the office.
1. The Poler Nap Wearable Sleeping Bag

From their website: "The Nap Sack features zippered arm holes and a cinchable open bottom so you can stick your feet out the bottom and walk around." It's perfect for catching up on the sleep you missed out on the night before.
2. Red Lava Buns Heated Seat Cushion

Hot buns, what more can we say?
3. USB Electric Warming Scarf

If you're going to wear a scarf, wear one that heats up and has pockets for your hands. Got to keep them at an optimal temperature and ready for raking in all those chips.
May the warmth be with you (sorry, it's late). At least inside the Rio.