Off the Felt: Christmas Vibes and PokerStars Championship

Ho, ho, ho! Christmas is almost here and some are already feeling the vibe.
Some of them were visiting Prague at the PokerStars Championship, others were at at other events around the globe, and others were��you know, from here to there.
Let��s take a look!
Cutest pic ever. If you don��t think so, check the sweater.
Definitely not Las Vegas.
Family picture, how sweet.
And here we have more couples.
That is for sure a very interesting interview.
Wow, Felipe, what a bae!
Pretty impressive, pretty impressive��
Wait, it��s December, why is she still at the beach?!
Monia has a pretty busy agenda, but she still has time for some selfies, yay!
And finally �� Liv, seriously, are you okay?