Check Out The LearnWPT 2-Day Digital Lab Experience

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Putting poker theory into practice successfully has long been the challenge of players who want to improve their game rapidly. One of the most reliable methods that generates the fastest results is to have your play observed by a proven winner and get feedback on your specific leaks. Have you ever wished you had access to a Poker Pro giving you analysis and feedback on YOUR play?
LearnWPT, The Official Poker Education Platform of the World Poker Tour (WPT) is introducing a new 2-Day Digital Lab Experience. During these exciting events Attendees will first play an online tournament against fellow students, limited to a single table. The day following the tournament, students meet via video call with the LearnWPT Instructors to receive professional feedback on all of the action.
LearnWPT utilized their extensive experience in planning and executing multi-day live training events to craft the perfect digital event packed with tremendous value and convenience for students.
Play for a Real Prize Pool
On Day 1 of the Digital Lab Experience, you will compete for real prizes on during a one table tournament.
Unlike other simulated or play money experiences, the presence of a real prize pool incentivizes the players to compete to the best of their ability. This format ensures that real world in-game pressure is simulated for all players, making each decision an opportunity to grow your game. The entire tournament will be recorded so the LearnWPT Pros won��t miss any of the key factors in play when giving analysis.
Interactive Zoom Lesson with the Pros!
On day 2 of the Digital Lab Experience, a LearnWPT Instructor will give professional, in-depth analysis of the tournament play with all hole cards face up via an interactive Zoom video conference call.
Attendees will get in-depth feedback on their play and learn the keys to real-time hand analysis. Students will be able to ask questions about specific hands played or decisions made. The LearnWPT Instructors will provide key guidelines for adjusting gameplans based on observed hands and detail clear answers to difficult decisions during the event. This is the perfect opportunity for the dedicated poker student to get answers to the nagging questions they��ve always wanted to ask but never had the opportunity.
To see the current schedule of LearnWPT 2-Day Digital Lab Experience event and for more information on what��s included when you purchase a seat check the LearnWPT Live Workshops Page.
*Prize pool varies by event. is not a gambling site and does not offer real money prizes. See our Terms for details.