"Action Dan" Wins Massive $493,400 Pot On The Lodge Livestream

It was a big weekend for Poker At The Lodge with two days of high-stakes $200/$400 no limit cash game streams and the final table of a 1,691 player tournament with half a million in the prize pool.
Along the way, mortgage-clearing sums of cash changed hands, including one pot that ended up being the third biggest in The Lodge's livestream history. The main action of the hand revolved around two players��"Hook" and "Action Dan"��and culminated in a pot of $493,400 being shipped.
Rising Action
The massive pot took place on the Sunday stream. The game was $200/$400 no limit hold'em with Nik Airball and Doug Polk at the table driving a lot of the action up to that point.
The hand in question got going when Action Dan picked up A?J? in the low-jack. He opened the action by raising the $800 straddle to $2,500. Hook then made it $11,000 from the cut-off and the rest of the field folded.
Action Dan called the rest of the $11,000 and the dealer turned over a flop of A?J?A?. Action Dan checked his option with a full house and Hook bet $10,000, got the call, and made the pot $43,800 going into the turn.
The turn was an action card, the 3?, giving Hook the nut flush draw to go with his Broadway straight draw. Action Dan check-called Hook's $16,000 bet and the play moved on to the river.
River Dance
The river was the 6?, the board now read A?J?A?3?6?, Action Dan's boatful of aces and jacks had Hook's nut-flush beat, and there was $75,800 in the middle.
Action Dan checked again, spooling out a little slack in the line while Hook pondered his options for a moment before cutting out $53,000 in chips. Action Dan pondered a little longer still, before announcing he was all in for a total bet of $208,800.
For a full two minutes, the table sat in silence as Hook tried to find a way off of his hand. However, eventually and reluctantly he said "call" and Action Dan turned over his hand.
"I could have folded," Hook said as the dealer pushed the $493,800 pot across the table. "I could have folded."
"Pretty cool flop," Action Dan replied, stacking his chips.
You can watch the full stream on the Poker At The Lodge Youtube Channel.