Old School vs. New School: Negreanu Analyzes 2015 WSOP Main Event Hand

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GGPoker Ambassador and six-time WSOP gold bracelet winner Daniel Negreanu launched a new series titled Old School VS New School Poker Analysis at his YouTube channel three weeks ago.
During his first episode, "Kid Poker" analyzed a $400K pot Negreanu played against High Stakes Poker against Gus Hansen a decade ago. Last week, Negreanu switched poker genres from cash games to tournaments as he broke down a hand he played against Mike Matusow during the 2005 WSOP Tournament of Champions with $1 million on the line for the winner with three players remaining.
The focus is once again on tournaments this week for the third episode by analyzing a hand played with two tables remaining in the WSOP Main Event against eventually champion Joe McKeehen.
Check out Daniel Negreanu's old school and new school analysis on a $400K pot he played against Gus Hansen a decade ago.
Old School vs. New School
Negreanu was considered old school by many in the poker community. Perhaps many still do but there is no denying that he has begun to embrace a new school mentality as he feels its necessary in order to compete at the highest levels.
Perhaps this is why he launched the series Old School vs New School where he can review a hand using two different schools of thought he has engaged with during his decades of poker fame.
Old school can mean many things to many people. Negreanu shared what he feels an old school feel before analyzing the hand played against McKeehen.
"Old school brain," Negreanu began. "Take no chances. I don't need to run no bluffs, small ball poker, just have it, nickel-and-dime, nickel-and-dime, and just get away.
A new school approach focusing more on game theory and solvers and Negreanu's new series shows the dramatic differences between the two.
"We're going to first go through it from an old school mentality, in terms of how people thought about poker a decade ago," Negreanu said during his first video analyzing a hand against Hansen. "Then we're going to do the exact same thing but we're going to do it with a much more modern game theory approach to the situation."
Related: Joe McKeehen Wins 2015 World Series of Poker Main Event for $7.7 Million!
Negreanu vs McKeehen

The hand in question comes from the 2015 WSOP Main Event with blinds of 100K/200K with a 40K ante with just two tables remaining on the final day of the WSOP summer camp. This was still back when the WSOP Main Event would pause with just nine players remaining with the final table played out months later in November.
Matt Guan opened for 400,000 from under the gun with 6?6?. McKeehen three-bet to 1,125,000 from late position with A?A? and Negreanu looked down at A?K? from the big blind with a decision to make.
Negreanu opted to four-bet to 2,600,000. Guan folded and McKeehen jammed for 9,810,000 giving Negreanu his second big preflop decision to make. Negreanu eventually folded saving himself about 10 million left in his stack but wasn't able to parlay those chips into a final table appearance as he ran out of gas in 11th place for $526,778.
You'll have to watch the video to see whether Negreanu would approach this hand differently if he could go back in time.
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