Strategy with Kristy: Jared Tendler Discusses Mental Game of Poker 2

Poker author and mental game coach Jared Tendler returns to the Strategy with Kristy podcast to discuss the release of Mental Game of Poker 2. It is an extension of his very successful first book and was published late last month.
On the podcast, Tendler discusses, in depth, the chapter about goals. He says that goal setting is important when it comes to improving and finding success in poker, as well as other endeavors in life. Goal setting in itself is a skill, and he talks to host Kristy Arnett about the proper way to go about creating and achieving them.
Here is a snippet from the interview:
"Goals are critical because they really narrow your focus. It defines where you are directing your motivation. If you don't have good goals, you're focus and motivation can kind of be all over the place. Part of this, too, is really understanding where things can go wrong. A lot of players look at setting a lot of results-oriented goals such as amount of money won, number of titles, a certain prop bet, or stepping up in stakes. All those are good things to set, but if you don't also set process-oriented goals, which is basically how you're actually going to achieve those goals, then those results goals kind of equate to a wish or a dream.
"Again, those are good things to have, but your ability to actually achieve those goals gets stronger if you back up and figure out exactly how you're going to get there. That's something that everyone does. They don't necessarily look at results goals and process goals fitting together. They tend to always be too process-oriented or too results-oriented."
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