Team Starting to Close Out Their Rosters

Some teams have closed out their rosters and budgets for others are getting thin, as such the final stages of the draft are picking up speed.
Here are some quick hitters:
- David Coleman went to The Dinkers for $3.
- David Bakes sold for $18 to Team Lang, leaving the, $16 for their last pick.
- Dong Chen was a $1 pick-up for Team Lady Gaga
- James Obst became the penultimate selection of Team NGNF for $3, which left them with $1 to make their final selection.
- Team DPMC, the defending champs, got Sergio Aido for $1.
- Four-time bracelet winner Kevin Gerhart went for $1 to close out Team Sepiol.
- Chris "Big Huni" Hunichen was a $15-max bid for Team Kalas to fill out their roster.
- Team NGNF finalized their roster by spending their last $1 on Dylan DeStefano.
- Team Sternheimer's last pick for their final $7 was Renan Bruschi.
- Team Noori took Taylor Paur for $1.
- Poker Hall of Famer Eli Elezra was the last pick of Team Livingston for $1, leaving $5 in their budget.
- Team Negreanu picked up Erick Lindgren for $1.
- Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi went for $1 to
- Team Baker got Sam Laskowitz for $6 leaving them two spots remaining on their roster.
- The Dinkers spent their remaining $16 to take Ben Lamb as their final selection.