lyonsden6 Lands a Double on the Turn.
Level 17
: 3,000/6,000, 750 ante
SouTheMan opened to 12,000 from middle position, ManOchaos called in the cutoff and lyonsden6 defended their big blind. The flop rolled out , action checked to ManOchaos, they bet 15,097 and lyonsden6 check-raised all for 58,765 total.
Action folded to ManOchaos who called and the two turned over their hands with lyonsden6 at risk.
ManOchaos was ahead until the turn hit the felt, shifting the lead to lyonsden6 and their flush. A
river changed not a thing and lyonsden6 scooped the pot for a double.
Player | Chips | Progress |
164,000 | |
30,000 |