ANZPT Season 6 Perth

Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info ANZPT Season 6 Perth

Final Results
Winning Hand
120,000 AUD
Event Info
2,000 AUD
Prize Pool
512,000 AUD
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Brian Mcallister Eliminated in 4th Place ($37,100)

Level 24 : 15,000/3,000, 5,000 ante
Brian Mcallister - 4th Place
Brian Mcallister - 4th Place

Following a bit of a lull in the action, Brian Mcallister has been eliminated in 4th place!

Mcallister��s final hand saw action fold to him in the small blind. He jammed for 170,000 and after some thought, Dean Blatt called from the big blind.

Mcallister: {7-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}
Blatt: {k-Hearts}{6-Clubs}

The {2-Spades}{5-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{3-Spades}{j-Diamonds} board gave Mcallister a bit of a sweat, but ultimately he couldn��t survive as he takes home $37,100 for his effort.

Right before three-handed action was about to begin, Blatt asked the other two remaining players if they wanted to look at the numbers. Patrick Mahoney declined and so that was that.

Player Chips Progress
Dean Blatt au
Dean Blatt
Brian Mcallister
Brian Mcallister

Tags: Brian McallisterDean Blatt

Counts At Slow Times

Level 24 : 15,000/3,000, 5,000 ante

Action has been slow since the break. There hasn't been too many flops seen. Dean Blatt and Brian Mcallister have both shoved a few times preflop, picked up some chips, blinded down and shoved a couple more times. Here are the current approximate stacks.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Davies us
Scott Davies
WSOP 1X Winner
Patrick Mahoney us
Patrick Mahoney
Dean Blatt au
Dean Blatt
Brian Mcallister
Brian Mcallister

Mcallister Finds A Double

Level 24 : 15,000/3,000, 5,000 ante

Brian Mcallister has been fairly quiet today, happily not playing too many pots and watching on as players continue to hit the rail. He recently was down to 250,000 in chips but has now doubled up.

Mcallister was in the big blind when Patrick Mahoney shoved the small blind.

Mcallister called and tabled {q-Spades}{q-Clubs} and was at risk against Mahoney��s {q-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}.

The board ran out {5-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{2-Hearts} and Mcallister was up to 500,000.

Player Chips Progress
Brian Mcallister
Brian Mcallister

Tags: Brian Mcallister

Blatt Shoving

Level 24 : 15,000/3,000, 5,000 ante

Dean Blatt has three-bet jammed after an opponent opened on two occasions since the players returned from the break. Both times Blatt picked up some extra chips. He��s up to around 600,000.

Player Chips Progress
Dean Blatt au
Dean Blatt

Tags: Dean Blatt

Level: 24

Blinds: 15,000/30,000

Ante: 5,000

Four to Break

Level 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

The four players have been sent on a 10-minute break.

Check back soon as we continue the ANZPT Perth Main Event final table!

Blatt Loses Some

Level 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Patrick Mahoney flat-called the button and Dean Blatt checked the big blind. The {a-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{8-Spades} flop would see Blatt check-call a bet of 29,000 and then both players checked the {3-Diamonds} turn and a {6-Clubs} completed the board on the river. This time Blatt check-called a bet of 72,000 and mucked when Mahoney showed {a-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}.

Blatt is down to 500,000 once again.

Player Chips Progress
Dean Blatt au
Dean Blatt

Tags: Dean BlattPatrick Mahoney

Nine-High Wins

Level 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Folded around to Scott Davies in the small blind and he would limp. Patrick Mahoney checked the big blind and then the two played it down to showdown on a {2-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}{6-Spades}{6-Clubs}{k-Hearts} board. On the flop Davies led for 32,000 and Mahoney raised to 83,000. Davies called and then the two players checked the turn and river.

Mahoney looked like he went to slide his cards into the muck, but then Davies turned over {8-Hearts}{7-Clubs} for just eight-high. Mahoney then turned over his {9-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} and won the pot with nine-high. Apparently, this wasn't in breach of Crown Perth's unique and controversial mucking rule, because Mahoney never took his hands off his cards.

Tags: Patrick MahoneyScott Davies

Blatt Wins Some Chips

Level 23 : 12,000/24,000, 4,000 ante

Dean Blatt has taken down a couple of preflop pots to move up above 700,000.

First Blatt squeezed from the blinds after a preflop a raise and a flat-call then opened it up with a raise to take down some blinds and antes. Blatt was down to four big blinds during eight-handed play and now has almost 30 big blinds with four players remaining.

Player Chips Progress
Dean Blatt au
Dean Blatt