Diwei Huang had to sweat the flop and the river.
Diwei Huang put in what has become a standard opening raise to 65,000 from the button. Edward Sabat, next to act in the small blind, put in a large reraise to 324,000. That folded Jeppe Drivsholm in the big blind. Huang took his time acting before shoving his whole stack in, about 1,000,000 chips total. Sabat didn't snap-call, but he didn't think about it very long either. He made the call.
Huang was in commanding position to retake the chip lead from Sabat. The flop came down , bringing a roar of applause from Huang's supporters. Sabat wasn't totally dead; the on the turn gave him a gutshot draw to Broadway. A river ten would give him the pot and knock out Huang. Huang went to hide in the crowd, not willing to watch the river card come down. He had no need for fear when the dealer burned and turned the .
Huang is once again the chip leader with about 2.1 million.