Aaron Benton has taken a large hit to his stack without showdown.
We caught the action on the turn with the board reading and about 14,000 chips already in the pot. Benton, who was the small blind, had just checked to Sherif Badran on the button. Badran made it 4,500 and Benton check-raised to 11,500. After some thought Bardran made the call.
The river was the and Benton very quickly moved 13,000 chips in, almost as quickly Badran announced "all in". It didn't take a lot longer for Benton to muck his cards.
"I had a read you weren't strong," said Badran. "I had you" he added.
Benton didn't look very impressed as he examined his now 16,000 chip stack. Badran moves up to around 60,000.