Garry Gates Eliminated
To all of our Garry Gates shoutbox railbirds, we have some bad news. Our fearless PokerNews Tournament Reporting leader is not giving up his day job, just yet, as his tournament dreams have disappeared in a series of unfortunate hands.
As described to us by the man himself, he first doubled up a short stack with against .
A few moments later there was a raise to 3,200 and Gates called on the button with . Aaron Benton also called in the small blind and they went to the flop of . Action checked to Gates who fired 6,000. Benton was the lone caller. The turn was a repeat and this time Benton check-called for 8,000 and an hit the river. Benton then immediately moved all in for 26,000. Gates considered a call, before the clock was called and he had to release. Benton flashed for a full house.
The final blow came when Gates called a raise to 4,000 holding and took a flop of . The preflop aggressor made it 11,000 and Gates shipped for 34,000, only to find that he'd run into a set of jacks. The board bricked out and Gates was eliminated.