Earlier in the day Brian Wilson found himself on the bottom end of a full house over full house against Asier Aberro. Wilson seemed anxious to get back into battle and put in a raise to 1,175 from the cut-off. Aberro called out of the small blind and Lim Jong-Hyun also made the call from the big blind.
The flop was and Aberro quickly bet 3,000, Jong-Hyun called and Wilson also made the call.
The turn was the and both Aberro and Jon-Hyun checked to Wilson who fired out a bet of 10,000. Aberro looked him up, and Jon-Hyun folded.
The river paired the board and Aberro quickly checked to Brian Wilson, who checked behind. Abbero revealed pocket tens, and Wilson flipped over the for a straight, good enough to scoop the 32,000.
After the hand Wilson counted out 47,000 in chips and Aberro was down to about 42,000.