Ben Charlton
One of the local hopes and Day 1c flight chip leader Ben Charlton has taken a sizable hit at the hands of an international raider.
Preflop, Annica Ivert opened to 3,600 and Charlton made the call with position from the cutoff. The flop witnessed Ivert check-raise to 14,500, after Charlton bet out 4,000. Charlton made the call.
Ivert again led the turn firing 17,000, once again it was Charlton calling. Finally the river came the and Ivert bet out 22,000. After tanking so long that the floor was called, Charlton eventually mucked his cards. This allowed Ivert to take down a huge pot.
Charlton is now down to 140,000. Ivert climbs to around 200,00.