2007 Aussie Millions Crown Casino Poker Championship
Event 3 - $1,100 Limit Omaha Hi Lo
Day: 1
Event Info

Jethro Horowitz $310,000
Adam Geyer $74,000

Jethro raises from the SB and Constantine puts the rest of his chips in.
Jethro shows

Constantine has

The flop is

The Turn

The River brings the

Marsha got it all in holding A556, but Jethro scooped the pot with two pair when a low did not hit the River.
Marsha picks up $9,600 for her 4th place finish.
The board reads KK436 and Adam scoops the pot.
Billy is eliminated in 5th position, picking up $7,680
Level: 15
Blinds: 4,000/8,000
Ante: 0
Billy the Croc $10,000
Marsha Waggoner $25,000
Adam Geyer $20,000
Jethro Horowitz $240,000
Constantine Harach $90,000
A few hands later, Jethro is involved in a multi way pot with Billy the Croc and Adam Geyer. Billy flops a flush draw and Jethro flops an open ended straight draw. Jethro hits his straight on the River and takes down over $110,000 in chips. He now has $240,000.

Mel is eliminated in 7th place, collecting $3,840

The very next hand Jethro raises from the cutoff and Billy calls. Jethro bets the flop and Billy calls. The Turn is chacked and Jethro fires at the River after it is checked by Billy. Jethro scoops the pot with the nut low and a straight to the 6.