Erik Seidel has the button. He calls and Kostritsyn checks. The flop is . Kostritsyn checks, Seidel bets 125,000, Kostritsyn raises to 325,000, Seidel folds, and Kostritsyn wins the pot.
Alexander Kostritsyn has the button. He raises to 250,000 and Seidel calls. The flop is and both players check. The turn is the . Seidel bets 300,000, Kostritsyn folds, and Seidel wins the pot.
Erik Seidel has the button. He raises to 225,000, Kostritsyn re-raises to 800,000 and Seidel calls. The flop is . Kostritsyn bets 750,000, Seidel raises to 1,900,000, Kostritsyn re-raises to 3,400,000, Seidel folds, and Kostritsyn wins the pot. He shows A-10 for just a gutshot draw.
It took Erik Seidel 35 hands of heads up play to take the chip lead away from Alexander Kostritsyn. Seidel also has the chip lead for the first time in the entire tournament.
Alexander Kostritsyn has the button. He raises to 250,000 and Seidel calls. The flop is . Seidel checks, Kostritsyn bets 300,000, Seidel folds and Kostritsyn wins the pot.
Alexander Kostritsyn has the button. He raises to 250,000 and Seidel calls. The flop is . Seidel checks, Kostritsyn bets 325,000 and Seidel calls. The turn is the . Seidel checks, Kostritsyn checks. The river is the . Seidel bets 575,000, Kostritsyn folds, and Seidel wins the pot.
Erik Seidel has the button. He completes the small bliind and Kostritsyn checks. The flop is and both players check. The turn is the . Kostritsyn bets 135,000 and Seidel calls. The river is the . Kostritsyn checks, Seidel checks. Kostritsyn shows , Seidel mucks and Kostritsyn wins the pot.