Iverson Snuffer Bags Overall Lead in Deepest Stack Double Header

Day 1b of Event #10: $300 Deepest Stack Double Header has come to an end after 16 exciting levels of poker action. The second flight of the event drew a total of 516 and when the dust had settled only 86 remained with Iverson Snuffer finding the largest bag of the night.
Snuffer took off after the late registration period closed, cruising throughout the latter stages of the night with all the momentum in the world. He took down a few more large pots during the last hands of the night, bumping him up to the monstrous 758,000 stack that he finished the night with. The Milton, WV native has $692,582 in live career earnings with his best career cash coming right here in the Borgata for $63,882. Look for Snuffer to go on a deep run in this event as he searches for another cash to add to his already impressive resume.
Coming in right behind Snuffer on the totem pole for the night is Ting Zhou who managed to accumulate a 652,000 stack by night's end. Other stacks on the larger side of things to finish the day include Frank Funaro (579,000), Frank Marasco (467,000), Brazil's Rafael Reis (457,000), Omer Rotman (454,000), and Charles Phillips (448,000).
Many familiar players managed to survive Day 1b, moving onto the final day and that list includes Grigoriy Shvarts (417,000), Ryan Hagerty (381,000), Sung Kim (336,000), Ryan Tamanini (329,000), Josias Santos (329,000), Robert Cicchelli (322,000), Eric Christensen (271,000), Kevin Mathers (257,000), Fady Khabbaz (99,000), Timothy Little (89,000), and Borgata regular Zach Gruneberg (58,000).
The 650 runners from Day 1a and 516 from Day 1b brought the total to 1,166, surpassing last year's total by over forty entries. The 105 survivors from the first flight and 86 from the second will combine for Day 2 on Tuesday, January 21, at noon battle it out for a trophy. The total prize pool will be announced before the second day begins, along with full chip counts and seating chart.
That wraps if up for the PokerNews live coverage of Day 1b but tune tomorrow as all of the action of Day 2 unfolds.