Not a Good Start for Eastgate
Peter Eastgate raised the button and Aaron Gustavson called. They saw a flop.

Gustavson check-called 370,000 from Eastgate.

Gustavson check-called 725,000 from Eastgate. We're spotting a pattern here.

Gustavson checked again and Eastgate bet 1,135,000. This time, though, Gustavson thought about it for a while -- and then raised to 3.3 million.
Eastgate tanked up for some considerable time, an incredibly intense look on his face -- with around half his stack already invested in the pot, it was clearly a tough decision.
He folded. "Nice bluff," he laughed as he sat back in his chair.
Gustavson - 16,580,000
Eastgate - 5,360,000