Dombrowksi (in hat) tanks in the darkest corner of the room while Behling waits.
Chris "cdbr3799" Dombrowski made a not-quite min-raise under the gun, raising to 17,000. Nico Behling, next to act, three-bet to 33,000. Action folded back to Dombrowksi, who took a minute to make the call.
Flop: - Chris checked, and Nico bet 38,500. After more than two minutes of completely stone-faced contemplation, Dombrowski called.
Turn: - Dombrowski checked again, and Behling bet 125,000, leaving himself 105,000 behind. Dombrowski went even deeper into the tank. A regular Internet player, Chris is used to making decisions in less than 30 seconds while playing 15 tables, but something about live play changes the thinking process for many online players. After over three minutes, someone at the table called the clock. Dombrowski let it tick down to six seconds before giving up his cards. He was down to 165,00 after the hand.