Allan B?kke opened to 175,000 for the second consecutive time on the button. Last time, Russell Carson played back at him, and this time it was big blind Johannes Strassmann that stuck in the three-bet to 550,000. Once more, B?kke could not continue, and Strassmann has moved up to about 6 million courtesy of that pot.
Allan B?kke opened to 175,000 from the button before Russell Carson three-bet to 540,000 total. B?kke yielded to the pressure, and Carson has taken another little bite out of the Danish Supernova.
Johannes Strassmann raised his button and got a call from Allan B?kke in the small blind to see a flop. B?kke checked, Strassmann bet 330,000, and B?kke called.
The turn was another and once again B?kke checked. Strassmann bet 630,000 this time, and once again B?kke called. Interesting.
The river came down the and B?kke checked a third time. This time the bet from Strassmann was an enormous 1.6 million. B?kke eyed him up unsmilingly for some time while Strassmann stared intently at the board, trying not to blink. Eventually he folded, still giving Strassmann a look of combined respect and suspicion.
With that, former shorty Strassmann has snuck into the lead on 5.7 million.
Wow, we've got ourselves one sneaky German.
Russell Carson opened to 185,000 from the button, and Johannes Strassmann made the call from the small blind. In the big, Allan B?kke decided a squeeze was in order, and he made it 605,000 straight. Carson quickly folded, but Strassmann came along with another call, and the two men were heads up.
The board ran out with the action check-checking all the way down. We couldn't see what B?kke tabled, but it was definitely second-best to Strassmann's surprise .
He didn't get much value for those rockets, but a pot of 1.4 million chips is still nothing to sneeze at.
Russell Carson raised his small blind and Johannes Strassmann in the big decided to see the flop. However, he must not have liked it very much as when Carson bet out 285,000, Strassmann opted to pass.
The next hand Strassmann saw a flop with Allan B?kke and they both checked. Strassmann checked the turn too and then promptly laid it down to a 210,000 bet from B?kke.
Russell Carson opened to 175,000 from the button before Johannes Strassmann three-bet him to 585,000 straight. In the big blind, Allan B?kke seemed to be thinking sinister thoughts for a moment, but he eventually passed. Carson followed suit, and the first post-break pot goes to Strassmann.
We've been on a short break while the table is reset for three-handed play. So far, nothing is stirring, but we can't imagine it'll be much longer before play resumes.
Mickey DoftAlain Medesan - 4th Place
Alain Medesan shoved all in on the button and was called instantly by Allan B?kke in the big blind. The hands were:
The board came and Medesan's run came to end in 4th place.