Heading for the Felt

People who do not have as many chips as they probably should right now include:
- Laurence Houghton - after smacking pocket tens into aces early in the day, he managed to smack jacks into aces a little later on and is now down to 45,000.
- Tom Dwan - managed to lose two coinflips in quick succession; both times his opponent made a set and Dwan is down to 48,000. Curiously, the number of railers he has seems to be directly proportional to the size of his stack, and the annoying crowd that previously encircled his table has now almost completely dispersed.
- Pieter de Korver - we're actually not sure what happened to him, but he's down to 23,000.
Meanwhile in other news, Luke Schwartz has got a T100 chip stuck in a bottle top and cannot get it out. It represents actually a decent proportion of his current 28,000 stack, so if anyone has a knife or some other wedging device, please send it to Table Schwartz.