2011 PokerStars.com EPT Prague

Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2011 PokerStars.com EPT Prague

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000

Big Pot for Finger

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Martin Finger raised to 200,000 on the button before David Boyaciyan reraised to 500,000. Finger called.

The flop came down {10-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{2-Spades} and Boyaciyan led for 450,000. That was called by Finger and the turn added the {Q-Clubs} to the board. Boyaciyan checked and Finger pounced with a bet of 1.05 million. Boyaciyan called.

The {6-Hearts} completed the board on the river and Boyaciyan checked. Finger bet two million and Boyaciyan called.

Finger showed the {A-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} for top pair, top kicker and Boyaciyan mucked his hand.

Tags: Martin FingerDavid Boyaciyan

Trips for Boyaciyan

David Boyaciyan raised on the button to 250,000 and Martin Finger called to see the {A-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{4-Spades} flop. Finger checked, Boyaciyan bet 250,000 and Finger called.

The {Q-Clubs} came on the turn and both checked to see the {Q-Hearts} pair the board on the river. Finger bet 350,000 and Boyaciyan raised to 950,000. Finger called the extra 600,000, but then saw the bad news.

Boyaciyan tabled the {Q-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds} for trip queens and Finger mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Martin Finger de
Martin Finger
David Boyaciyan nl
David Boyaciyan

Tags: Martin FingerDavid Boyaciyan

Finger Takes Another

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

From the button, David Boyaciyan raised to 250,000. Martin Finger made the call from the big blind and the flop produced the {Q-Spades}{7-Spades}{6-Diamonds}. Both checked.

The turn was the {10-Diamonds} and Finger bet 275,000. Boyaciyan called.

After the {4-Clubs} fell on the river, Finger bet 475,000 and Boyaciyan folded.

Tags: Martin FingerDavid Boyaciyan

Nice Pot for Finger

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

On the {A-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{4-Clubs} flop, David Boyaciyan bet 150,000 after Martin Finger checked. Finger check-raised to 325,000 and Boyaciyan called.

The turn was the {9-Diamonds} and both players checked to see the {2-Spades} on the river. Finger bet 500,000 and Boyaciyan called.

Finger tabled the {A-Hearts}{6-Hearts} for Boyaciyan mucked his hand.

Tags: David BoyaciyanMartin Finger

River Bet Uncalled

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

From the button, Martin Finger made it 200,000 to go. David Boyaciyan called and the flop came down {K-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{8-Spades}. Both checked to see the {2-Clubs} on the turn and then checked again. After the {Q-Clubs} fell on the river, Boyaciyan led for 200,000 and Finger folded.

Tags: Martin FingerDavid Boyaciyan

One for Finger

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

From the button, David Boyaciyan raised to 200,000. Martin Finger called from the small blind and the flop came down {4-Spades}{3-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. Both players checked and the turn brought the {Q-Hearts}. Both checked again. The river was the {6-Spades} and Finger check-called 200,000 from Boyaciyan.

Boyaciyan announced jack high and then Finger showed the {K-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} to win the pot.

Tags: Martin FingerDavid Boyaciyan

Deal Made

Level 30 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Martin Finger and David Boyaciyan have made a deal. Finger held the chip advantage with 15.25 million to Boyaciyan's 6.41 million. The two worked out a deal where Finger will take �620,000 and Boyaciyan �535,000. The two will then play for the leftover �100,000, the trophy and the bracelet. Our payouts page will adjusted accordingly when the event finishes.

Tags: David BoyaciyanMartin Finger