Did Bansi Fold The Best Hand?

Praz Bansi has just been told that he folded the best hand over on Table 1 but does he believe the word of his opponent?
Bansi raised from early position to 5,400 and his only customer was Konstantinov Aleksandr Valerevish in the big blind. The flop came down and Valerevish checked, Bansi made a continuation bet of 6,300 and after rechecking his cards Valerevish check-raised to 16,000. Bansi went into the tank for over a minute, sitting completely still but his eyes darting between the pot, the flop and Valerevish. Eventually he folded and acknowledged Valerevish's "nice bet."
"What you have? Ace-king?" quizzed Valerevish, to which Bansi nodded and confirmed, "Yeah, ace-king," before asking "you?"
"Jack-ten" came the response. Whether he was telling the truth or not is irrelevant because Valerevish wins the pot regardless.