Busto_soon? More Like Chip_Leader_Soon

At the start of play yesterday Johan "busto_soon" van Til only had 5,000 chips and it looked as if he was going to be heading back to the Netherlands earlier than he had planned. Well if he keeps up this form he will need to book another couple of nights in his hotel and make room in his suitcase for the EPT Tallinn winner's trophy because he now has 275,000 chips! Unbelievable.
He just raked in a mammoth sized pot after a battle with Irene Baroni. We got to their table to see a board reading and Baroni deep in thought, contemplating calling van Til's 72,500 bet. If she called and won she would have scooped a 275,000 pot (including her own bets) but calling and losing would have left her with almost 100,000 exactly.
She eventually folded and van Til's march up the chip counts continues.