Seat 7: Balazs ��birs320�� Botond, 27, from Budapest, Hungary �C PokerStars player 2,080,000

Technology graduate Balazs ��birs320�� Botond has been playing EPTs since Season 6 and finished 13th at EPT Vienna last season for �26,000. He has made more than $200,000 in live tournament winnings but this sum is totally dwarfed by his online cashes which total more than $1.3m. On PokerStars alone, Botond has won more than $900,000 including a fifth place finish in a $1,500 2011 WCOOP event last year for $30,000. Last month the 27-year-old from Budapest won a $162 buy-in 6-max tourney on PokerStars for $27,100. In online rankings, Botond is currently 128th in the world, and second in Hungary. He took up poker three years ago and turned pro just six months later, eventually ditching his job in a Budapest department store. He is being supported here in Campione by his girlfriend Zsofi.