Garcia Shoves and Chops It

Hand #94: Lodden with on the button limped in after inquiring the size of Garcia's stack in the big blind. Mateos made the call with
in the small blind, Garcia checked with the
in the big blind.
on the flop and all of them checked. The
hit the turn and again three checks. The
completed the board and Lodden bet 125,000 after two checks. Both Mateos and Garcia folded the better hand, small pot to Lodden.
Hand #95: El Asmar with the opened to 125,000 under the gun.
for Johnny Lodden and the Norwegian super star three-bet to 285,000. Fares had
in the big blind and folded. El Asmar called.
The flop came and both players checked. The
hit the turn and El Asmar lead out for 165,000 into the 710,000 pot. Lodden called. The
completed the board and El Asmar bluffed again, this time for 380,000. Lodden tanked for a bit and eventually folded the best hand.
"Hopefully a good hand" Lodden said. "I beat you for sure" El Asmar lied.
Hand #96: Mateos made it 120,000 from the cutoff holding and took down the blinds and antes.
Hand #97: Garcia shoved all in for 460,000 from the cutoff with the . El Asmar in the small blind asked for a count with the
, and called. The big blind folded.
1,030,000 in the pot and 47% chance of a split pot. The meant things were looking to be chopped.
on the turn and just a four could keep Garcia from staying alive. The
completed the board and Garcia survived.