2018 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo?Casino EPT

Main Event
Day: 6
Event Info

2018 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo?Casino EPT

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Hands #46-51: Jiang Three-Bets Light

Level 30 : 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Hand #46: Nicolas Dumont opened 255,000 with {k-Clubs}{7-Spades} on the button. Honglin Jiang made it 825,000 with {a-Hearts}{4-Diamonds} in the small blind. Tomas Jozonis thought about it with {10-}{5-} but eventually mucked, and Dumont may have sensed weakness as well and made it 1,750,000. Jiang quickly mucked.

Hand #47: Jozonis completed {q-Spades}{7-Clubs} and David Peters checked with {j-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}. The {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{q-Clubs} flop favored Jozonis but he checked. Peters checked back. The {3-Hearts} turn prompted a bet of 180,000 and a quick fold from Peters.

Hand #48: Jozonis opened {10-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Krisztian Gyorgyi defended big blind with {q-Hearts}{8-Hearts}. Both got some connection on the {9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} and they saw the {2-Clubs} for free. Gyorgyi pulled his hood over his head and checked. Jozonis checked back after some thought. The {3-Clubs} river was a brick and Gyorgyi checked.

Finally, Jozonis tired of the checking and bet 280,000. That earned him the pot.

Hand #49: Jiang made it 250,000 first to act with {k-Clubs}{10-Hearts}. Gyorgyi shoved all in with {a-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} in the small blind and took it down.

Hand #50: Jozonis picked up {9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and opened for 250,000. No takers.

Hand #51: Dumont raised to 255,000 with {a-Diamonds}{8-Spades} on the button. Jozonis defended {6-Spades}{5-Spades}. The {10-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} flop missed both players, which meant Jozonis check-folded in short order.