2023 The Grand Big Wrap

�2,350 Main Event
Day: 3
Event Info

2023 The Grand Big Wrap

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
125,000 / 250,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Balci Pays Off Eldabach in Large Pot

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Samuel Albeck vs Dorel Eldabach
Samuel Albeck vs Dorel Eldabach

Oswin Ziegelbecker opened to 450,000 with the A?Q?7?7? and Dorel Eldabach called with the A?8?6?3?.

Ali Balci then three-bet small to 1,000,000 with the K?J?10?7? to force areluctant call by Ziegelbecker.

"Yessss, you like to gamble my friend..." Eldabach grinned and called.

The 6?5?2? flop was checked and Balci also checked the 4? turn. Eldabach bet 1,100,000 for his opponent to call.

After the J? river, Balci checked once more and Eldabach fired a bigger bet of 1,900,000.

Balci mulled it over for a bit and eventually paid it off to drop to a severe short stack.

Eldabach was all smilesand bumped fists with Oswin Ziegelbecker.

Player Chips Progress
Dorel Eldabach il
Dorel Eldabach
Day 2 Chip Leader
Oswin Ziegelbecker at
Oswin Ziegelbecker
Sebastian Langrock de
Sebastian Langrock
WSOP 1X Winner
Ali Balci de
Ali Balci

Tags: Ali BalciDorel EldabachOswin Ziegelbecker

Eldabach Hits an Ace; Langrock Rues His Fold

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Dorel Eldabach raised to 500,000 under the gun with A?9?9?8? and Ali Balci called on the button with J?J?9?2?.

Sebastian Langrock, in the small blind, looked down at K?K?8?6? and gave it some thought before ultimately mucking as Eldabach and Balci went heads-up.

The flop came K?7?7? and Langrock smiled and looked up at the sky as he would've flopped a full house. Eldabach led out for 400,000 and Balci called.

Eldabach bet another 320,000 on the A? turn after making two pair and Balci quickly called. Eldabach slowed down and checked the 10? river.

Balci paused for about a minute before tapping the felt as Eldabach took the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Dorel Eldabach il
Dorel Eldabach
Day 2 Chip Leader
Ali Balci de
Ali Balci
Sebastian Langrock de
Sebastian Langrock
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ali BalciDorel EldabachSebastian Langrock

Eldabach Bluffs His Way Into the Lead

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Samuel Albeck vs Dorel Eldabach
Samuel Albeck vs Dorel Eldabach

Oswin Ziegelbecker opened to450,000 with the A?K?J?2? for Dorel Eldabach to call with the A?J?4?3?, Sebastian Langrock in the big blind called with the connected A?9?7?5?.

The Q?10?5? flop was checked through and the 10? turn paired the board. Langrock checked once more and Ziegelbecker bet 500,000. Eldabach raised to 1,400,000 and Langrock folded, as did Ziegelbecker with the superior hand.

Player Chips Progress
Dorel Eldabach il
Dorel Eldabach
Day 2 Chip Leader
Oswin Ziegelbecker at
Oswin Ziegelbecker
Sebastian Langrock de
Sebastian Langrock
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Dorel EldabachOswin ZiegelbeckerSebastian Langrock

Balci Jams Into Eldabach

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Ali Balci all in
Ali Balci all in

Dorel Eldabach raised to 380,000 in the small blind with the 10?9?7?6? and Ali Balci defended the Q?Q?5?4?.

On the Q?J?4? flop, Eldabach bet 500,000 and Balci called.

"How much do you play?" Eldabach inquired on the 2? turn and Eldabach then bet 925,000.

Moments later, Balci piled in his 3,675,000 and attempted to talk Eldabach into a call. That didn't happen, however, as Eldabach wasn't chasing with the bottom end of the straight draw.

Player Chips Progress
Oswin Ziegelbecker at
Oswin Ziegelbecker
Dorel Eldabach il
Dorel Eldabach
Day 2 Chip Leader
Ali Balci de
Ali Balci
Sebastian Langrock de
Sebastian Langrock
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ali BalciDorel Eldabach

Ziegelbecker Sniffs Out a Bluff

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

In a limped pot from the blinds, Dorel Eldabach bet 200,000 on a flop of 4?3?2? with Q?J?9?5? and Oswin Ziegelbecker called holding A?J?3?2? for two pair.

The turn came the 8? and Eldabach bet another 375,000. Ziegelbecker, with potential straights and flushes on the board, then raised to 1,350,000 and Eldabach folded his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Dorel Eldabach il
Dorel Eldabach
Day 2 Chip Leader
Oswin Ziegelbecker at
Oswin Ziegelbecker

Tags: Dorel EldabachOswin Ziegelbecker

Samuel Albeck Eliminated in 5th Place (�40,775)

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Samuel Albeck
Samuel Albeck

Dorel Eldabach raised to 400,000 under the gun and Samuel Albeck called in the cutoff.

The flop came A?8?2? and Eldabach checked to Albeck who bet 500,000. Eldabach called and the 10? fell on the turn.

Eldabach checked again and Albeck this time moved all in for 1,970,000. Eldabach confirmed the amount before flicking in a chip to signify a call.

Albeck had A?J?9?6? for top pair and a flush draw, while Eldabach was ahead with A?Q?6?4? as Albeck stood up from his seat to await the final card.

The river came the K? and Eldabach's queen-kicker played to send Albeck to the rail in fifth place.

Samuel Albeck vs Dorel Eldabach
Samuel Albeck vs Dorel Eldabach
Samuel Albeck vs Dorel Eldabach
Samuel Albeck vs Dorel Eldabach
Player Chips Progress
Dorel Eldabach il
Dorel Eldabach
Day 2 Chip Leader
Samuel Albeck de
Samuel Albeck

Tags: Dorel EldabachSamuel Albeck

Eldabach Bullies Albeck

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Samuel Albeck opened to 500,000 with the A?A?10?5? and Ali Balci called from one seat over with the Q?8?8?7? in the cutoff. Dorel Eldabach in the big blind also tossed in the extra chips with the A?10?7?2?.

Eldabach opted to lead the 10?9?2? flop for 400,000 with his two pair. Albeck called and Balci folded.

The 9? turn paired the board and Eldabach inquired "how much do you play" before leading for another 1,600,000 into 2,540,000. A few seconds later, Albeck folded and Eldabach got away with one.

Player Chips Progress
Dorel Eldabach il
Dorel Eldabach
Day 2 Chip Leader
Ali Balci de
Ali Balci
Samuel Albeck de
Samuel Albeck

Tags: Ali BalciDorel EldabachSamuel Albeck

Ziegelbecker Extracts Value From Eldabach

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Oswin Ziegelbecker
Oswin Ziegelbecker

Dorel Eldabach raised to 400,000 first to act with the A?A?Q?6? and Oswin Ziegelbecker defended his big blind with J?8?5?5?. Both checked the A?J?10? flop and Ziegelbecker improved to a flush on the 3? turn, yet both checked again.

Ziegelbecker bet the 7? river for 700,000 into 1,040,000 and Eldabach called within five seconds to lose a chunk of his stack.

Player Chips Progress
Oswin Ziegelbecker at
Oswin Ziegelbecker
Dorel Eldabach il
Dorel Eldabach
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Dorel EldabachOswin Ziegelbecker

Joao Estanislau Eliminated in 6th Place (�30,843)

Level 28 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Joao Estanislau
Joao Estanislau

Action folded to Joao Estanislau in the small blind who raised to 480,000. Sebastian Langrock called and they went heads-up to the A?7?6? flop.

Estanislau then moved all in for 530,000 and Langrock tanked for more than a minute before he called.

Joao Estanislau: K?Q?J?3?
Sebastian Langrock: K?J?10?4?

Langrock had just king-high and was trailing Estanislau's queen-kicker until the 4? on the turn gave him a pair.

Estanislau lowered his head in resignation as the 7? fell on the river, sending him to the rail in sixth place.

Joao Estanislau vs Sebastian Langrock
Joao Estanislau vs Sebastian Langrock
Joao Estanislau vs Sebastian Langrock
Joao Estanislau vs Sebastian Langrock
Player Chips Progress
Sebastian Langrock de
Sebastian Langrock
WSOP 1X Winner
Joao Estanislau pt
Joao Estanislau

Tags: Joao EstanislauSebastian Langrock

Level: 28

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 160,000