Eduardo Hernandez Eliminated in 15th Place ($5,339)

Hernandez opened the pot with a raise to 22,000 and while he was tossing his chips into the middle, Levesque attempted to talk him out of it (Levesque was in the big blind).
Action then folded around the table to Levesque who started talking... again.
"I told you, you didn't want to go there... You should've folded like I told you," Levesque said, as he put in a raise to 108,000.
Almost immediately, Hernandez moved all in stopping Levesque in his tracks.
After he got an exact count -- 80,500 more -- Levesque reluctantly made the call, admitting he was in bad shape.
When it was time to turn the cards over, Hernandez tabled pocket aces, having Levesque's

The dealer then spread the flop:

The turn brought the

"Another queen or club? Is that possible?" Levesque inquired of the dealer.
Another queen indeed.
The last card off the deck was the

After the hand, Levesque stacked up just under 700,000 in chips.