Baroni Loving Life
Level 7
: 300/600, 100 ante
Emerson Baroni got a huge lift earlier by flopping a set of aces against a set of tens and getting his opponent's whole stack of 45,000. He's chip leading the tournament again after another great flop. We caught up with the action by the turn, , where Baroni and his opponent each put 17,500 into the pot. The river came another king,
, causing Baroni's out-of-position opponent to check. Baroni made a small bet of 15,000, which his opponent disgustedly called. Baroni turned up
for a full house, queens full of kings. His opponent shook his head and mucked.
Baroni now has 147,000. Another player at his table, Jimmy Castano, has 119,000. The average stack isn't even 40,000 yet.