Set Over Set Disaster for Hodali

It took more than an orbit to find the first flop. When it finally came it was a cooler disaster for Samar Hodali. She called from the button after Daniel Ospina opened pre-flop to 72,000. Big blind Pablo Gonzales also called to a three-way flop of . Ospina continued for 106,000, with both opponents calling him.
Those calls were enough to cause Ospina to slow down in a big way on the . He checked behind Gonzales' check. That opened the door for Hodali to bet 200,000. Gonzales then moved all in for 448,000. Ospina folded; Hodali quickly called with bottom set,
. Gonzales, however, had middle set with
. There was no deuce on the river.
After the hand, Gonzales stood up, walked to Hodali's seat and kissed her lightly on the cheek, a small consolation for a very unlucky hand.
Hodali is down to about 875,000. Gonzales is flirting with the chip lead with 1.45 million.