Sheets Owned

A player under the gun opened with a mini-raise to 4,000, and the action came around to Eric "sheets" Haber in late position. Not seeing the first raise, he tried to make it 5,200, correcting himself with an emphatic "I call!" as he took back some change. Not to be outdone, the button squeezed in a raise to 12,000 straight, enough to fold the initial raiser. "I got myself into somethin' here," Haber said in a fine case of foreshadowing. "All right. Let's flop something good," he said as he splashed in the call.
The flop came down
, and the action went check-check, Haber with a puzzled look on his face. The
turn drew another puzzled look from Haber, but this time he led out with a bet of 15,000. His opponent promptly moved all in for 23,700, and Haber quickly called. He had indeed flopped something good with
, but he was already drawing dead as his opponent showed up the significantly better
The river sealed the double up, taking a little sliver from Haber's stack. He's down to a still-healthy 215,000 now.