Ferguson takes it down
Chris Ferguson has just finished off a lengthy heads-up finale against fellow math wiz Andy Bloch, winning two of three finals matches en route to his first ever National Heads-Up Championship crown.
The hand saw Ferguson open the pot pre-flop with a 25,000 raise; Andy Bloch simply called. The flop came and Bloch passed the first action to Ferguson who led out with a 35,000 bet. Bloch then check-raised, making it a total of 105,000 to go; Ferguson just called.
The fell off on the turn and Bloch led out with a 150,000 bet which Ferguson countered by shoving all of his chips into the middle. Bloch tanked for quite some time, eventually opting to let a coin-flip determine his fate. "Heads I call, tails I fold," said Bloch, before tossing a quarter into the air and onto the table. The fateful quarter landed heads-up, fittingly, and true to his word, Andy made the call, revealing to the eager crowd. Ferguson then rolled over two black jacks and held a lead in the hand with one card to come.
After a mandatory pause for dramatic effect, the dealer placed the on the river - a winning card for Ferguson, who threw his arms, fists clenched, high into the air in victory.