Throughout the duration of this final table, Jason Ho has been a prevalent force, keen for action and seemingly playing every hand I witness.
He may lose the odd pot, but he quickly wins his chips back, as illustrated in the last two consecutive hands. The first one involved Patrik Selin, who has been quietly but surely working his way up the chip ladder. With both players seeing a board, Selin check-calls Ho's 6k bet before putting out an unhesitant 6k bet on the river. Perplexed, but still smiling, Ho takes a deep exhale and mucks his hand.
The very next hand, Ho retrieved most, if not all of those chips back by calling a 3k bet from Peter Gould on a flop and betting out 10k on the turn. Peter Gould made the call, but folded like a jet propelled whippet when Ho reached for chips on the river.