De Wolfe: what would you pay for a picture of this man?
While the final table is on a break, ninth-place finisher and final table announcer Phil Baker is incredibly professionally conducting a charity auction of caricatures of poker players that have been produced by an artist over the course of the week.
Current standings:
Neil Channing: �450 (although bought by his partner-in-crime Nik Persaud)
Jamie Gold: �500
Andy Black: �600
Roland de Wolfe: er, �125
Andrew Pantling raised to 80,000 under the gun, called by an expressionless Atanas Gueorguiev in the big blind.
Gueorguiev checked to Pantling who bet 100,000 -- and then check-raised to 275,000. Pantling announced "All in" with only the slightest of pauses, and after a moment's thought, his expression still giving nothing away, Gueorguiev passed.
Four pots in a row to Andrew Pantling. He takes one with a straight raise preflop, then two more by coming over the top of preflop raisers (Christer Johansson and Atanas Gueorguiev) with raises to 235,000 and 215,000. The fourth time, he's on the button, it's come full circle, and he takes the blinds once again. Not used to being the short stack, Pantling is doing his very best to stop being it.
Kara Scott has really been consolidating her chip lead of late. Most recently faced with a 75,000 under-the-gun raise from Atanas Gueorguiev, she reraised to 200,000 from the small blind, eliciting a fold from the Bulgarian.
Atanas Gueorguiev raised to 68,000 form the button and got looked up by Kara Scott in the big blind. Scott checked the flop and Gueorguiev bet 80,000; Scott decided she didn't like her hand that much any more, and passed.
Come on my sson!
Another finalist takes a bite of Andrew Pantling's stack -- this time it's Christer Johansson. He saw the flop of in position on Pantling, who check-raised that flop (from 125,000 to 350,000). Johansson made the call. The turn brought the and after some deliberation, a bet of 340,000 from Pantling. With no deliberation whatsoever, Johansson moved all in. None too happy about it, Pantling folded, taking the Scandinavian pro over the two million mark.
Scott - taking it very seriously
Atanas Gueorguiev and Andrew Pantling limped in on the cutoff and button respectively, only for Kara Scott to make it 180,000 from the small blind. Gueorguiev didn't fancy it, but Pantling made the call and they saw a flop. Scott bet out 250,000, and Pantling gave it up there.