2010 PaddyPowerPoker.com Irish Poker Open

Main Event
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 PaddyPowerPoker.com Irish Poker Open

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
40,000 / 80,000

The Mitchell Strikes Back

Paul Carr raises to 155,000 continuing his big betting style. Mitchell makes the call.

Both players check the {3-Spades} {K-Hearts} {5-Clubs} flop before Mitchell leads out for 250,000 on the {3-Diamonds} turn. Carr very quickly calls the turn.

The river is the {7-Hearts} and Mitchell bets 575,000. Carr quickly calls again but Mitchell's {K-?} {Q-?} is good for a big pot.

No Messing Around...

James Mitchell might be the better player, but Paul Carr is countering that, he's just playing big bet poker.

Mitchell opened for 125,000 from the button and Carr quickly stuck in a big reraise to 550,000. Mitchell instantly folded.

First Blood

On the first hand of heads-up, the two players see an {8-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{9-Clubs} flop where James Mitchell calls a bet a of 200,000. Paul Carr then takes it down with a bet of 500,000 on the {10-Hearts} turn.

First Blood to Carr.

Santeri Vilakoski Eliminated In 3rd (�205,200)

Santeri Vilakoski - 3rd
Santeri Vilakoski - 3rd
Santeri Vilakoski pushed all-in from the button. James Mitchell made the call from the big blind.

Mitchell: {K-Clubs} {3-Hearts}
Vilakoski: {10-Spades} {5-Spades}

The flop came {J-Clubs} {7-Hearts} {5-Clubs} and the Finn took the lead but the {7-Clubs} was huge for Mitchell as any King, club or Jack would put us heads up.

The river was the {K-Spades} and Vilakoski was out in 3rd place.

It's Ireland vs England for the title.

Carr Rakes in Another Pot

The general consensus seems to be that Paul Carr is the weaker, or least experienced at least, of the three. However, today, he has his opponent's tied up in knots, and whether it's luck or excellent timing, everything he does seems to turn to gold.

His lines are very unusual, bet they're working. On the last hand, Carr defended his big blind to a 112,000 button raise from James Mitchell on the button before checking the {2-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{8-Clubs} flop. Mitchell checked behind.

Carr once again checked the {10-Spades} turn, but Mitchell reached for chips, putting in 140,000. Carr called.

On the {2-Hearts} river, Carr turned aggressor, sliding a massive 500,000 across the line.

Mitchell looked perplexed, and deliberated for a good couple of minutes. Carr, meanwhile, looked as cool as the Fonz in the breeze, staring his opponent down as if he didn't have a care in the world.

In the end, Mitchell released his hand and Carr took down yet another big pot, much to the joy and elation of his ever-increasing rail.

Chop It Up

James Mitchell sets Santeri Vilakoski all in from the small blind.

The Finn tanks for ages before calling with {K-Diamonds} {3-Hearts} only to find himself dominated by Mitchell's {K-Clubs} {7-Hearts}.

The board comes {K-Spades} {10-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds} {K-Hearts} {6-Clubs} both players split the pot with their full houses.

Paul Position For Carr

Carr comes with added Turbo Boost.
Carr comes with added Turbo Boost.
Suddenly he's upped to cruise control, has that Paul Carr. He's won almost all of the last six or seven pots - each with a cheer from his fan base.

He put in one reraise against Valikoski to make the Finn fold, while another time he simply opened to a chunky 550,000 preflop to take the blinds and antes.

Cautious Approach

The final three seem to playing aggressively preflop, but adopting a more cautious approach post-flop, and the latest hand continued that trend.

Raising it up from the small blind, James Mitchell received a call in the big blind from Santeri Valikoski. The {J-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{5-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} was checked all the way down, Mitchell snapping up the goodies with {K-?}{7-?}.

"It seems like he has showdown value, like king high or something," observed Channing correctly as the board was being dealt.