FPN King Slayer National Championship

League Champ Championship
Day: 1
Event Info

FPN King Slayer National Championship

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Amazing Flop But Terrible River for Neumann

Level 13 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante
Tony Neumann, Debbi Edwards
Tony Neumann, Debbi Edwards

Tony Neumann was loving life when the flop showed {j-Spades}{k-Spades}{5-Clubs} and he held the {k-Hearts}{j-Hearts}.

The decision to slow play his hand may be on Neumann's mind tonight because he checked the flop allowing Debbi Edwards to get a flush draw on the {4-Clubs}t turn with her {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs}.

"All-in" was announced from Neumann and Edwards chose to call with her draw.

She showed how happy she was with that decision when the {9-Clubs} showed up on the river. Neumann was silent as most of his chips were pushed towards Edwards.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Debbi Edwards us
Debbi Edwards
Profile photo of Tony Neumann us
Tony Neumann

Tags: Debbi EdwardsTony Neumann

Kjerstad Eliminated By Schuman

Level 13 : 4,000/8,000, 8,000 ante

Dale Schuman opened with a raise to 15,000 from the hijack only to have Lola Kjerstad three-bet jam for 95,500 from the button. Both blinds folded and Schuman gave it a little thought before making the call.

Dale Schuman: {a-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}
Lola Kjerstad: {k-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}

Kjerstad was drawing to two live cards but disaster struck when the {a-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{2-Spades} flop paired Schuman's ace. The {9-Diamonds} turn left Kjerstad drawing dead and she headed to the exit after the meaningless {4-Hearts} was run out on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Dale Schuman us
Dale Schuman
Profile photo of Lola Kjerstad us
Lola Kjerstad

Tags: Lola KjerstadDale Schuman

Level: 13

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 8,000

Ace-Jack vs Ace-King for Huge Stack

Level 12 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Terri Cash (right)
Terri Cash (right)

Rita Simek woke up in the big blind with a hand she liked and shoved her stack of 35,000 into the middle. Only Terri Cash, who had limped on the button, was willing to call.

Rita Simek: {a-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}
Terri Cash: {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}

The board came quick and didn't help Simek with a {6-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} runout to leave her with just 2,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Terri Cash us
Terri Cash
Profile photo of Rita Simek us
Rita Simek

Tags: Rita SimekTerri Cash

FPN's Incredible Promotions

Level 12 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Jenny Kriewald
Jenny Kriewald

The Free Poker Network's (FPN) promotions over the years have been very interesting and entertaining. The league has given away some really incredible prizes, including trips to the Atlantis in the Bahamas, trips to California to play in the Bay 101, seven-day Caribbean Poker Cruises, various Heartland Poker Tour events, WPT Championship at the Bellagio, Super Bowl, UFC Tickets, and of course, the World Series of Poker. All of the major prizes from the league are paid directly from the pool of sponsoring bars. Without this support, there would be no league!

At least 75 different players have enjoyed winning a seat in bracelet events over the years, and who could forget the ��Party at the Palms�� promotion when the league rented out King Pin and Erotic Suites for the national championship tournament and party.

Exciting wins by players in the league have provided a lot of inspiration. The league��s first major success story was Jenny Kriewald (pictured), a mother of three from Valley City, North Dakota. She earned a seat to a Heartland Poker Tour event through the league and went on to become the HPT��s first female champion! Her first-place prize of $56,000 came as a direct result of playing FREE POKER in the league.

Two other league players also went on to become HPT champions �C Scott Eckert and most recently Brandon Dosch.

League representative and poker pro Mitch Schock from Bismarck, North Dakota came close making the final table in the World Series of Poker Main Event (27th place for $329,000) the year Jamie Gold won. He reached his goal of winning a bracelet in 2011 and made a run at the WSOP Leaderboard including more than $400,000 in winnings!

From day one, the league made a long-term commitment to success. Many poker leagues have come and gone over the years, but FPN continues to stay strong thanks to players, sponsors, and representatives who share the same passion for poker and good times.

Players in the league today have MORE opportunities than ever before. With the combination of live weekly play, monthly awards online, Tournament of Champions, and state final tournaments, players have multiple ways to qualify for our exclusive national finals!

For more information visit freepokernetwork.com.

Level: 12

Blinds: 3,000/6,000

Ante: 6,000

North Dakota's Gienger Gutted

Level 11 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

North Dakota's Tim Gienger found himself all in and looking to get lucky against Lola Kjerstad.

Tim Gienger: {q-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}
Lola Kjerstad: {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}

Gienger picked up a gutshot straight draw on the {8-Hearts}{2-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} flop, and he needed to hit it after the {k-Diamonds} turn gave Kjerstad a pair of kings. The dealer burned one last time and put out the {4-Hearts}. Gienger missed and saw his FPN King Slayer National Championship "League Champ Championship" run come to an end.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Lola Kjerstad us
Lola Kjerstad
Profile photo of Tim Gienger us
Tim Gienger

Tags: Lola KjerstadTim Gienger

Manley Mauled By Johnson

Level 11 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante

The short-stacked Josh Manley, who traveled in from Minnesota, was all in preflop for his last 5,500 and in a bad spot against Dave Johnson.

Josh Manley: {j-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}
Dave Johnson: {6-Spades}{6-Diamonds}

Manley's best chance of staying alive was to catch a jack but he failed to find one as the board ran out a dry {2-Hearts}{a-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{k-Hearts}{6-Clubs}.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Dave Johnson us
Dave Johnson
Profile photo of Josh Manley us
Josh Manley

Tags: Dave JohnsonJosh Manley