2018 partypoker LIVE MILLIONS Russia

?3,000,000 Triton Poker High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2018 partypoker LIVE MILLIONS Russia

Final Results
Aymon Hata
Winning Hand
48,000,000 RUB
Event Info
3,000,000 RUB
Prize Pool
135,360,000 RUB
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Troyanovskiy Limp-Shoves; Pays off Hata After

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Vladimir Troyanovskiy limped in with the {A-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} and Aymon Hata raised to 70,000 with {6-Clubs}{5-Spades}. Troyanovskiy limp-shoved for 555,000 and Hata quickly folded.

Troyanovskiy then raised to 45,000 with the {Q-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and Hata called with {K-Hearts}{10-Spades}. Hata check-called a bet of 35,000 on the {K-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} with his top pair, before the {3-Clubs} turn was checked through.

Hata bet the {A-Hearts} river for 60,000 into 160,000 and Troyanovskiy gave it some thought before calling.

Player Chips Progress
Aymon Hata gb
Aymon Hata
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy

Tags: Aymon HataVladimir Troyanovskiy

Hata Pulls Further Away

Level 22 : 10,000/20,000, 20,000 ante

Vladimir Troyanovskiy raised to 40,000 with the {10-Diamonds}{9-Spades} and Aymon Hata defended the {A-Clubs}{2-Clubs}. Hata check-called a bet of 35,000 on the {K-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{3-Spades} flop and the duo then checked the {5-Clubs} turn and {Q-Hearts} river, which awarded the pot to Hata.

Hata then raised with the {Q-Spades}{6-Diamonds} with 45,000 and Troyanovskiy defended the {Q-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}. The {J-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{4-Hearts} flop and {5-Hearts} turn were checked. Troyanovskiy checked the {2-Spades} river and Hata's bet raked in the next pot.

Troyanovskiy raised with the {7-Clubs}{5-Spades} to 45,000 and Hata called with {J-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}. On the {A-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{8-Spades} flop, Hata checked and faced a bet of 40,000 by Troyanovskiy, which he called. The {3-Spades} turn was checked and the {K-Hearts} brought no action either, Hata pulled further away at the top.

The Russian lost the next min-raised pot again and dropped to fewer than half a million in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Aymon Hata gb
Aymon Hata
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy

Tags: Aymon HataVladimir Troyanovskiy

Level: 22

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 20,000

Heads-Up Underway

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

Aymon Hata raised to 35,000 with {J-Spades}{9-Hearts} and a three-bet to 115,000 by Vladimir Troyanovskiy with the {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} shut down all further action.

In heads-up the level duration will be cut down to 20 minutes as of the end of the current level.

Player Chips Progress
Aymon Hata gb
Aymon Hata
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy

Tags: Aymon HataVladimir Troyanovskiy

Konstantin Uspenskii Eliminated in 3rd Place (RUB22,500,000)

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Konstantin Uspenskii
Konstantin Uspenskii

On the button, Konstantin Uspenskii moved all in for 184,000 and Aymon Hata in the small blind moved all in over the top to isolate successfully.

Konstantin Uspenskii: {K-Spades}{8-Spades}
Aymon Hata: {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}

The {8-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} flop gave Uspenskii a few further outs, but he was drawing dead on the {Q-Diamonds} turn, the {5-Diamonds} river was a formality. Uspenskii was eliminated in 3rd place for RUB22,500,000 and that reduced the field to the final two.

Hata will head into heads-up with a commanding lead over Vladimir Troyanovskiy, and both now take a short break before determining the champion.

Player Chips Progress
Aymon Hata gb
Aymon Hata
Konstantin Uspenskii ru
Konstantin Uspenskii

Tags: Aymon HataKonstantin UspenskiiVladimir Troyanovskiy

Hata Leaves Uspenskii Short

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

Aymon Hata raised on the button with the {K-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and Konstantin Uspenskii called in the big blind with {7-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}. On the {Q-Clubs}{Q-Spades}{10-Clubs} flop both players checked and Uspenskii bet the {Q-Diamonds} turn for 53,000, Hata called with his full house.

Uspenskii bet the {8-Hearts} river for 200,000, the size of the pot, and had as much behind. Hata called and raked in another big pot.

Player Chips Progress
Aymon Hata gb
Aymon Hata
Konstantin Uspenskii ru
Konstantin Uspenskii

Tags: Aymon HataKonstantin Uspenskii

Patrik Antonius Eliminated in 4th Place (RUB15,000,000)

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Patrik Antonius
Patrik Antonius

Vladimir Troyanovskiy raised to 37,000 first to act with {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts} and Konstantin Uspenskii reluctantly folded {3-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}. Patrik Antonius called in the small blind with {7-Hearts}{6-Hearts}, Aymon Hata called out of the big blind with the {A-Hearts}{4-Hearts}.

On the {10-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{3-Spades} flop, Antonius checked and so did Hata, while Troyanovskiy bet 50,000 into a pot of 127,000. Antonius check-raised all in for 408,000 and Hata asked for a count.

Hata used two time banks and moved all in over the top for 553,000, Troyanovskiy snap-folded.

The {9-Hearts} on the turn left Antonius with just one out, and the {2-Diamonds} river sent the Finn from chip leader to out in 4th place within two hands. Antonius takes home RUB15,000,000 for his efforts.

Player Chips Progress
Aymon Hata gb
Aymon Hata
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Patrik Antonius fi
Patrik Antonius
Poker Hall of Famer
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Aymon HataKonstantin UspenskiiPatrik AntoniusVladimir Troyanovskiy

Troyanovskiy Doubles Through Antonius

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

Vladimir Troyanovskiy made it 37,000 to go on the button with the {Q-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} and Patrik Antonius in the big blind moved all in for 853,000, the far superior stack, holding {5-Hearts}{5-Clubs}.

Troyanovskiy snap-called and was in prime shape to double in a big pot and take the lead.

The {J-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{3-Clubs} flop brought some back door outs for Antonius and he spiked some of that with the {2-Spades} turn. However, the {4-Diamonds} on the river was a blank and Troyanovskiy doubled.

Player Chips Progress
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Patrik Antonius fi
Patrik Antonius
Poker Hall of Famer
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Patrik AntoniusVladimir Troyanovskiy

Troyanovskiy Takes From Hata

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante

In a limped battle of the blinds, the flop showed {10-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} and Aymon Hata checked with the {Q-Hearts}{7-Spades} and Vladimir Troyanovskiy bet 20,000 with the {9-Hearts}{7-Hearts}, Hata called.

The {4-Clubs} appeared on the turn and Hata check-called another bet of 48,000 to see the {9-Spades} on the river. Hata checked the third street in a row and Troyanovskiy checked back to win the pot with his two pair.

Player Chips Progress
Aymon Hata gb
Aymon Hata
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy

Tags: Aymon HataVladimir Troyanovskiy

Paul Phua Eliminated in 5th Place (RUB10,500,000)

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 16,000 ante
Paul Phua
Paul Phua

Paul Phua pushed all in for 259,000 first to act and Patrik Antonius called in the cutoff.

Paul Phua: {9-Clubs}{9-Spades}
Patrik Antonius: {K-Spades}{K-Diamonds}

"Six, seven, eight, okay?" Phua demanded in table chat but the flop of {J-Clubs}{7-Spades}{2-Clubs} brought very little reason to get excited. The {6-Hearts} on the turn was no help either and the {5-Spades} river was a blank to eliminate Phua in 5th place for RUB10,500,000.

Player Chips Progress
Patrik Antonius fi
Patrik Antonius
Poker Hall of Famer
EPT 1X Winner
Paul Phua my
Paul Phua
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Patrik AntoniusPaul Phua