Ryan FairYann DionYann DionYann DionJoel MickaJoel MickaJoel MickaGeorge Clyde-SmithThe trophy in front of the main feature table stageGeorge Clyde-SmithYann DionJerry WongJerry WongPokerNews' own Mickey Doft grabbing hands from the main feature tablePokerNews' own Mickey Doft grabbing hands from the main feature tablePokerNews' own Mickey Doft grabbing hands from the main feature tableYann DionYann DionJonathan Roy and his railJonathan Roy and his railJonathan Roy and his railJoao NogueiraJoao NogueiraJoao NogueiraJoao NogueiraRobert MizrachiMain feature table stageMain feature table stageOuter tableMain feature table stageChipsChipsYann DionDimitar DanchevDimitar DanchevYann DionAndrey ShatilovAndrey ShatilovJerry WongJerry WongJerry WongJerry WongGeorge Clyde-SmithGeorge Clyde-SmithJoao NogueiraJoel MickaJoel MickaJoao NogueiraRobert MizrachiDarren EliasManig LoeserManig LoeserDarren EliasDarren EliasDarren EliasOwen CroweOwen CroweRyan FairRyan Fair and his stackRyan Fair and his stackRyan FairGa?lle Garcia DiazGa?lle Garcia DiazGa?lle Garcia DiazGa?lle Garcia DiazGa?lle Garcia Diaz reaches for the trophyDimitar DanchevJerry WongYann DionYann DionAndrey ShatilovAndrey ShatilovAndrey ShatilovJoao NogueiraEddy Sabat and Jonathan RoyMikal BlomlieJonathan Roy and Guillaume RivetGuillaume Rivet all inChips