Rick Drury is our short stack, and before the flop, he moves all in for his last 19,000. Action is folded around to Jeff Tims, who declares, "I think I have enough chips to call with this hand." He slides his chips in, and turns over , but Drury is in good shape with .
Someone at the table says, "His wife is going to be pissed if you hit a jack," referring to the fact that she is en route to the casino to watch her husband play.
The flop draws a big reaction from the railbirds, , giving Tims a ton of outs to win the hand. To the surprise of everyone, the and that followed miss Tims, and Drury doubles up to about 44,000.
"Your wife will be happy now," the player says.
"Ha, you don't know my wife," jokes Drury, in good spirits after taking down that pot.