2010-11 World Series of Poker Circuit - Horseshoe Hammond

Regional Championship
Day: 1
Event Info

2010-11 World Series of Poker Circuit - Horseshoe Hammond

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

James Carroll Takes Control, Selbst Pushing Forward, Notables Starting to Drop

James Carroll
James Carroll

Somehow Lee Finds Victory in the One - 4:55 PM

There was a raise to 550 and three players called, including Bernard Lee from the small blind. The flop came down {A-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{5-Hearts} and Lee checked. Kyle Bowker fired 1,200. Everyone folded back to Lee and he raised to 3,125. Bowker reraised to 5,000 and then Lee moved all in. Bowker called and tabled the {K-Hearts}{10-Hearts}, putting Lee's {6-Hearts}{3-Hearts} in bad shape.

Fortunately for Lee, the turn was the {6-Clubs} and the river the {3-Spades} to give him two pair and the winning hand, somehow coming from behind in this one to win a big pot and double up to 55,000 in chips.

O��Brien Takes Most of Bergeron��s Chips �C 4:56 PM

With 12,175 in the pot and the board reading {K-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{2-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{7-Hearts}, Craig Bergeron was facing a decision for 16,200 chips from Dan O��Brien. After a little while Bergeron called, mucking his hand when O��Brien turned over {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}.

O��Brien: Up to roughly 47,000
Bergeron: Down to about 5,200

Kings Are Good for Binger - 5:00 PM

With over 5,000 chips in the middle, we got to the table with the board reading {J-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{Q-Spades}{10-Clubs} and Justin Smith in the tank. He was facing a bet of 4,100 from Nick Binger. After a couple minutes of though, Smith tossed in the chips to make the call. Binger tabled the {K-Hearts}{K-Spades} and Smith mucked his hand. Binger increased to 46,000 in chips with this pot.

Kenney Doubles �C 5:01 PM

A short-stacked Bryn Kenney got his remaining 4,400 into the middle on a board that read {10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{5-Spades} with {Q-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}. His opponent had {K-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} and Kenney safely doubled through to about 12,000 when the {8-Spades} river card fell.

Bergeron Eliminated - 5:03 PM

On the flop of {K-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}, Craig Bergeron was all in for his last few thousand chips and called by two opponents. The turn paired the board with the {K-Clubs} and both remaining players checked. The river was the {A-Hearts} and both players checked again.

Bergeron held the {A-Spades}{J-Spades} having flopping the nut straight, but the second of the two players who called his all-in bet held the {10-Diamonds}{10-Spades} and turned a full house. Bergeron was sent to the rail.

Only in Hammond - 5:09 PM

On the board of {7-Spades}{6-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{4-Clubs}, Alex Keating fired 1,300 and was called by Chris Klodnicki. The river completed the board with the {A-Diamonds} and Keating checked. Klodnicki thought and then fired 2,100. Keating tanked for a bit, apologized if he was inadvertently slow rolling and then made the call.

Klodnicki mucked his hand when Keating called and then Keating mucked as well, opting not to show. The dealer pulled in Keating's hand into the muck pile and then Kenny Nguyen asked, "What if I want to see that hand? Doesn't he have to show?"

Normally, the winning hand always has to be shown at most venues, but not here in Hammond. The dealer explained the rule as did a floor person who said that only here in Hammond is it a rule that the winning hand doesn't have to be shown if the other player mucks. He also explained that no one else at the table can request to see the hand.

Adams For President - 5:12 PM

We caught up to the action a bit late, but Brandon Adams and an opponent somehow managed to build a pot of about 18,000 chips preflop. They both checked the {2-Clubs} {K-Spades} {3-Diamonds}, bringing the {4-Diamonds} on fourth street. Adams considered for a while before settling on a bet of 8,000, and his opponent check-called without too much delay.

The river {A-Hearts} drew another check from the unknown gentleman, and Adams quickly moved all in for about 14,000 total. The fold came quickly from across the table, and the Full Tilt Red Pro has moved up to about 48,000 with that pot.

Peters Looking For a Book �C 5:14 PM

On the turn, the board showed {Q-Spades} {A-Hearts} {6-Diamonds}, and David Peters led out into the pot with a bet of 6,300. He was up agaist Barry Greenstein, a copy of his book Ace on the River tucked neatly under the Bear's chair. Greenstein called the bet to see the river, and the {J-Clubs} filled out the board. Peters thought it over for a bit, eyeing up the stack of his opponent. After a minute or so, Peters grabbed his tower of high-denomination chips and plunked them into the pot, enough to cover Greenstein.

A quick fold gave the pot to Peters, and Greenstein is down around 24,000 or so.

Carroll Bluffs His Way to Six-Figures �C 5:17 PM

After a player in early position opened the pot with a raise, James Carroll re-raised to 1,350 from the cutoff. Action folded around to opening raiser and he four-bet to 3,550. Carroll called and the flop ran down {J-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{9-Spades}.

It was checked to Carroll and he bet 4,800, receiving a quick call. The {Q-Hearts} hit the turn and this time, Carroll's opponent led out 6,000. Carroll called, landing the {10-Diamonds} on the river. His opponent checked after about 30 seconds and Carroll asked to see how much his opponent had behind. After seeing it was about 11,000, Carroll bet 15,000 and his opponent winced in discomfort, folding his hand.

Carroll turned over {A-Clubs}{5-Spades} for ace high as he collected the chips, increasing his stack to about 110,000.

Selbst Strides Ahead - 5:19 PM

We picked up the action on the turn as the dealer put the fourth card down on a {7-Diamonds} {7-Hearts} {2-Hearts} {K-Spades} board. David Baker was heads up, and he checked. Vanessa Selbst (who's been active in her typical fashion today) slid out 3,800, and Baker flicked in the call.

The river was the {4-Clubs}, and Selbst put one more bet in the pot, making it 9,300 to see her cards. Baker wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to, and he took several long minutes to think it over. He was statue-still for a good while, eventually shifting in his chair and trying to engage his opponent in a little friendly banter. Selbst wasn't giving anything up, though, and Baker eventually dropped the calling chips into the pot with some hesitation.

Selbst tabled {J-Hearts} {J-Diamonds}, and Baker tapped the felt in acknowledgement. He double-checked his hole cards, studying them for 10 or 15 seconds to make sure he couldn't beat that before returning them to the dealer. ��Nice hand, Vanessa,�� he said, taking a hit down to about 35,000. Selbst, on the other hand, is up to 60,000, doubling her starting stack here in the first 5 levels.

Table Talk �C 5:28 PM

Allen Bari - ��If (Matt) Stout is the one that busts me, I'm taking all my chips and throwing them in the garbage. I swear to god, I'm not even kidding.��

Recent Eliminations - 5:40 PM

Allen Bari and McLean Karr have been eliminated. Matt Stout didn't get either of them, so the chips are still on the table.

Madsen Eliminated, Jetten Crippled �C 5:45 PM

With the board reading {K-Clubs}{J-Spades}{7-Spades}, Jeff Madsen was all in for about 10,000 and another opponent was all in for roughly 24,000. Jetten tanked for about two minutes and called, showing {A-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}.

Madsen turned over {9-Spades}{8-Spades}, while the third player had {7-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} for bottom set. The {K-Diamonds} turn card and {8-Hearts} river card sealed Madsen��s fate, eliminating him just as Level 6 started. Jetten is down to about 5,000

Tags: Alex KeatingBryn KenneyChris KlodnickiCraig BergeronJames CarrollJustin SmithNick Binger