First Round Action! Ali Delivers Gut Punch to Houchins

Some huge action on just the second hand of play, the last of Level 26.
Patrick Houchins opened the hand with a raise from early position, and it folded back around to Brian Ali in the big blind who three-bet. Houchins called, and the flop came . Ali bet 100,000, and Houchins instantly set out chips to make it 300,000. Ali immediately called.
The turn brought the and a check from Ali. Houchins, again acting without hesitation, pushed out 400,000 this time, and Ali didn't wait long before calling.
The river was the . "All in," said Ali quietly. Houchins sat back in his chair. "This is sick!" he said, going briefly into the tank. After about 20 seconds he emerged to make the call.
Ali tabled for the flush, and Houchins disgustedly showed his
for trip jacks. "Call 400 for a backdoor flush?" asked Houchins incredulously. "Shoulda went all in on the turn," answered Ali. "Whatever," was Houchins' reply.
Suddenly Ali has become the overwhelming chip leader, with about 2.8 million, while Houchins dramatically plunges to just 210,000.