Manh Nguyen opened for 65,000 from under the gun and action folded around to Tuan Phan in the cutoff. Phan called and the blinds released. The flop came , Nguyen checked and Phan bet 110,000 and Nguyen called. The turn brought the and Nguyen checked again. Phan took his time before sliding out 250,000. Nguyen called after some thought and the river brought the .
Nguyen checked a third time and Phan checked behind. Nguyen announced ace but Phan tabled and Nguyen mucked his hand.
Hao Le opened to 55,000 from early position, Hanh Nguyen called behind him, and the action folded all the way to Tuan Phan in the big blind. Phan tanked, then slid out two towers of grey T5,000 chips, three-betting to over 200,000. Le released, Nguyen folded, and Phan flashed the .
In the words of "Redbull" Robbie Thompson - it is good.
Jimmy Born - Eliminated in 11th place.
Jimmy Born opened to 45,000 pre flop, and Danny Rohde defended his big blind. The flop came down , and Rohde checked. Born continued for 40,000, Rohde check-raised to 117,000, and Born moved all in. Rohde snapped it off.
Born needed an ace to stay alive, but both the turn () and the river () were bricks, and he was eliminated in 11th place.
We are now down to our unofficial final table. The players are redrawing for seats, and we will list them when they're available.
Avdo Djokovic opened the action with a raise to 60,000 and Hao Le min-raised to 120,000 from the small blind. Tuan Phan released in the big blind and Djokovic announced all in. Le called and the hands were tabled.
The board ran and the seven on the river cracked the Russian's aces.