Hand #32 - (No-Limit) Steve Paul-Ambrose has the button in seat 8, Mueller raises to 55,000, Paul-Ambrose reraises to 145,000, and Mueller thinks for a minute before he folds. Paul-Ambrose takes the pot.
Hand #33 - (No-Limit) Tony George has the button in seat 9, Morrison raises to 55,000, Turner moves all in for 325,000, and Berger thinks for several minutes before calling from the big blind. The action is back on Morrison, who thinks for a moment before folding. Turner shows , and Berger has -- it's a race situation.
The flop comes , and Berger retains the lead. Turner needs running diamonds, running queen-jack for a straight, or an ace or a king to stay alive. The turn card is the , and Turner is down to six outs. The river card is the , and Berger wins the hand with his pocket queens.
Jon Turner is eliminated in 8th place, earning $46,633.
Because the ESPN television set-up can delay the play at the TV final tables, Tournament Director Jack Effel has agreed to stop the clock whenever there is an all-in and a call and the television crew requires time to move cameras and focus on the exposed cards. This could save conservatively 7-10 minutes in every round.
This rule change is well within the published authority of the TD and a much better solution than extending the round or backing down the blind structure.
Hand #28 - (No-Limit) Roger McDow has the button in seat 4, Mueller limps from the small blind for 20,000, and Morrison checks his option. The flop comes , and both players check. The turn card is the , Mueller bets 20,000, and Morrison folds. Mueller takes the pot.
Hand #27 - (No-Limit) Fred Berger has the button in seat 3, Turner raises from the cutoff to 50,000, Berger reraises from the button to 150,000, and Turner folds. Berger takes the pot.
Daniel Negreanu stopped by the final table during the last hand, saying hello to Kirk Morrison.
There are 13 minutes left before the game switches to limit hold'em.