Hand #17 - Nick Schulman raises from late position, Michael Binger moves all in with a short stack from the small blind, and Schulman calls with . Binger shows , and he's in a dominant position to double up here.
The board comes , and Binger wins the pot with two pair, aces and jacks, to double up in chips.
Hand #16 - Michael Gracz moves all in, and James Mackey calls with . Gracz shows , and he'll need to improve. To make matters worse, the holecams show that Michael Binger folded a nine from the big blind.
The board comes , and Mackey rivers a set of queens to win the pot. Michael Gracz is eliminated in ninth place, earning $43,684. The next player eliminated will receive $60,254 for eighth place.
Hand #16 - Michael Gracz moves all in, and James Mackey calls with . Gracz shows , and he'll need to improve. To make matters worse, the holecams show that Michael Binger folded a nine from the big blind.
The board comes , and Mackey rivers a set of queens to win the pot. Michael Gracz is eliminated in ninth place, earning $43,684. The next player eliminated will receive $60,254 for eighth place.
The players take a 15-minute break, including time to color up the chips before the blinds Increase to 20,000-40,000, with a 5,000 ante. Here are the official chip counts:
Seat 1 - William McMahon - 430,000
Seat 2 - Tex Barch - 275,000
Seat 3 - Michael Binger - 545,000
Seat 4 - Jan Sorensen - 750,000
Seat 5 - Stuart Fox - 765,000
Seat 6 - Maciek 'Michael' Gracz - 505,000
Seat 7 - Karga Holt - 680,000
Seat 8 - James Mackey - 1.7 million
Seat 9 - Nick Schulman - 980,000
Even with such a limited audience in the sequestered Bluff tent, there are two recognizable faces watching this final table from the inside -- legendary tournament director Matt Savage, and Jeff Cabanillas, who defeated Phil Hellmuth to win this event last year.
Hand #13 - Karga Holt raises from the button, Nick Schulman moves all in from the small blind, and Holt asks for a count of Schulman's bet before he calls with . Schulman shows , and he's dominated as he faces elimination.
The flop comes , and Holt solidifies his lead with a pair of jacks. The turn card is the , and Schulman picks up a gut-shot straight draw, and needs a nine on the river to stay alive.
The river card is -- the ! Schulman spikes a jack-high straight on the river to survive and double up in chips.
Hand #12 - Karga Holt limps from the small blind, James Mackey raises, and Holt folds. Mackey shows to Holt as he collects the pot. The holecam shows that Holt had .